The window to your own universe of data and meaningful meta KPI values you can win about.
Today’s business world is all about data. KPI’s. Be it from the website, an app or a database. Or Excel / CSV tables or JSON.
PVYmeta delivers business intelligence per excellence and enables analytics at the next level. You can create queries on your own data, graph these dashboards and generate reports from them. Static or Dynamic. You can also embed PVYmeta in your applications to better understand your users’ usage and have them log directly into PVYmeta using the API.
You can get out now the most of it by your self, instead getting harvested somewhere else. PVYmeta is extremly powerful and utilise a own Machine Learning Core, which helps you to drill down your data within a fraction of a second, where you spent weeks on spreadsheets and pivot before. Furthermore, it gives you insights into your process or business development you never where able to see before.
Since each PVY@Cloud Personal Cloud is an hermetic closed private environement for each of its customer, exactly the opposite how everybody else delivers their SaaS Application to their customers (in a shared environment), you can manage and grant access to PVYmeta from your PVYcentral Dashbboard and connect the Database to it.
You can also connect to external Database or File roots, using SSHTunneling, and connect this way Application Data you host somewhere else. On top of that, you can also add to his external Server PVYvpn, for unbreakable P2P encrypted VPN. Its also available to install on AWS, Azure or Google Environment, as a Security Gateway, so you can tunnel your entire Application-Data securely you have there into PVYmeta.
With PVYmeta you not only save real cash and time to get valuable Data in real-time filtered, summarized and displayed either as static or dynamicly updating KPI Values, you never saw before. It’s givey you truly an instrument, to analyize within a short time any kind of data for real decision making.
And with “any data” we mean any Database Type, such as MySQL, MariaDB, Postqres, PVYbase, JBoss Driver realated Databases and it collects all data in all tables with all data. Within minutes you can join tables to ask your questions, and every non-technical human can ask question, whithout the knowledge of SQL-queries (But you can use it for sure too).
You can save your questions for your self, share it with team in Collection as:
and your can create just with clicks stunning, meaningful interactive or static Dashboards, which you can not only embed into other applications, you can also define with just a few clicks e-mail reports and its receivers, frequency and if they shall receive beside of nice html visualization in a mail to answer specific question, a pdf, excel or png export of related files and data, to process it for example in Board Meeting Presentation on PVYoffice.
But you can also publish an entire Dashboard for a specific audience, like Deputy Chief or Heads of Departement or Sharehoders, where they can see anytime these collected Data, summarized as Graphs and Tables, in real time as a simple password protected link.
And yes, they can break the Data further down, automatically with the use if machine learning, just by clicking to a bar or pie-chart, to see the data records, using insights to compare data automatically, let’s say to different months or years, or different regions of your customer base, as for example.
Beside of the old fashioned Pivot Table, you have from Waterfall to Bars and Pie all kind of knows display options. And the freedom to chose what is the Bar-Level as Average or Tagret Line to reach and compare it in real time of the current development of data in real life. Also as Map. The Map below took 45 Seconds to generate based on received payments by country:
In short, it let you create exactly that kind of Data Analysis, even your ERP or Accounting Software is not capable to do, within a few clicks. The use cases are unlimited.
Its more than modern reporting engine, since you can display different sets of data into correlation to each other, from multiple/different sources.
And yes, it helps you even if you run an Accounting firm, with hundreds of small business clients, to speed up the tax reporting. All you need is access to the database or: Spreadsheets and a little knowledge, based on the KPI Values you like to see, how to get there with the right filter, count and group by functions. Saved. Repeatable.
With a contextual right click to any graph or table entry, you can unleash the power of machine learning. Using “Insights” with X-ray, it generates this comprehensive Analysis below a Second, and in total, there ware 48 Graphs and comparisation of that particular data available, in any possible comparisation to each other, including over time.
With PVYmeta the only limits given is your mind and I/O Ressources, in case your Application and Database Stack is growing and your queries too. But let’s dive into this short Video, explaining you the real power of PVYmeta using machine learning and you immediately, that these contextual generated KPI Values would requires a Team using Pivots for a couple of week, what you will get within one Second:
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When working in a team on PVYmeta, you want to ensure as an Application or SysAdmin, that very personal sensitive data are not being exposed in queries or display to other team members, for example if you are connected to an Financial Application or ERP System.
PVYmeta supports to exlcude such tables and data with just a few clicks, so nobody can ask the question,
how much Bonus Peter Parker got last year, since these table from the HR Departement is not displayed or indexed for any kind of manual or machine related questions.
It took the user 35 Seconds from the Dashboard, to head to the Admin Section, Search for all kind of Table “Bonus” and exclude sensitive date from any search, comparisation and ml core.
The user interface is self-explanatory and the only thing you need to bear in mind is that you should have an idea of what you are looking for. The Application supports you very intuitive and no sql knowledge is necessary, to use and get awesome answer to KPI values, which really matters.
We decided to release certain short videos, for how-to, both on user and admin level on