For all Applications, even if you are a PVY@Home Appliance or PVY@Office Appliance owner, you have access to our amazing PVY@Cloud offerings. Here you will find the documentation on these powerful apps that are available to you.
In addition to selecting the App Name, you can also Search for applications by Appname and filter by Tags such as PVY@Cloud or PVY@Home. Note that some Apps are only available for business customers and others are only being rolled out on our PVY@Home Appliance, such as PVYmediahub, PVYbutler and PVYhomeassistant. For PVYassets we have two Versions: PVYassets-Business and PVYassets-Private.
Whether you are a PVY@Cloud, PVY@Home or PVY@Office user, the following basic services always run in our Swiss Datacenter for you. Other Applications and Services run in your preferred location - in the Cloud or on your Appliance. is the only company, that offers you a true Hybrid Service, which means you can choose to push any Application with its data from your Appliance to our Datacenter or vice versa. There is a separate section about, how Hybrid Private Cloud works.
All PVYapp’s are bundled either within our SaaS Offerings, available at Website, or preinstalled on your PVY@home or PVY@Office Appliance. Furthermore, you can select à là Carté any additional Application straight from the PVYappstore.
Of course we also make it easy to get the valuable content you created on PVYapp’s available for use in your favorite website and business management system as a module or plugin. Our Applications already have features and api calls integrated, to automate or streamline your workflows.
We offer useful integration to keep life simple, for following, widespread Systems:
Your visitors have always access to the latest updated file version, managed by your PVYfiles Appilication. Simplifies publishing and keeps everywhere the Files accurate.
Let your visitors book an online or physical meeting, based on your availability within your Calendar or based on manual entries, and handles all details for you the easy way.
Many PVYapplications let you embed with an HTML Snippet valuable information such as forms, tables, analytics or entire dashboards, both static or dynamic direct into your website, intranet or even apps. That being said, beside of Web-hook support, all of our Apps sports an Rest-API or GraphQL-Api. And don’t forgett our PVYautomator…
We work on that currently for it and we focus first on these who are available as open source.
The Plugins are available for SysAdmins in the PVYcentral AppStore section.
We have made this information available on our main website and also created a special website for it, where you can find all Apps listed, with direct Links to following App Stores:
Furthermore, you can also find our Standalone-Installers for macOS, Linux Debian and Windows 10/11 on our App Directory Page:
Yes there are both. Before we went public, we ran a few dozen Customers on it for almost a year.
If you want to test out new features, apps and services, you can find on our official website valuable Information on how to join the beta and help make our ideas better. We also work with some special communities for testing and feedback, since the majority are busy with their daily duties and tasks.
If you find something odd, a malfunction or even a security issue, please feel free to use the Apps built-in Feedback Form to share your findings with us. On some of them, you also can include local logs and send it to our upstream for further analysis.